Friday, October 4, 2019

Scientific Management by Federick Taylor Essay Example for Free

Scientific Management by Federick Taylor Essay Federick W. Taylor, considered the father of scientific management published his work, The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911 has been instrumental in revolutionising management thought. He promoted the process of scientifically studying work to increase worker and organisational efficiency. His principles contributed to a variety of management practices involving specialisation, assembly production, division of work, work incentives and management control. The development of machine-tools reach a point marking thr beginning of today large scale production line in factory more tan hundred years ago. The commencement of mass factory production was fundamentally influenced by Federick Talyor. His scientific management concept shaped for good all the features of industry and Talyor is the inaugurator and father of, as well as chief worker in, the movement to impart excellence to management by viewing it as an art base on scientific principles. universal in scope, his work long since has penetrated to every country and that in these establishment ther saw some degree of influnce by his scientific principles. In our global economy, efficient businesses will be rewarded with profit as Federick Taylor advocated in his concept of Scientific Management. In a global economy, there is simply no places for inefficiency to hide wrote Hamel in The Utimate Business Library and You have to believe that Federick Winslow Taylor would have loved Wal-Mart,Sony or Federal Express modern icon of efficiency More than 100 years has passed yet his principles in scientific management is still relevant in many sectors of business today. One example is the fast food restaurant, likened to little factory, with a manager who overseas and control the workers, sales, inventory and supply, everything to keep the shop running efficiently as Talyors wishes. Much of Taylors ideas were adapted in the operation of the assembly line and many of Ford Motor companys operations in the assembling of motor vehicles in early 1910. This was when Ford Motor mass produced cars. However the application of Taylors concept into management practices was met with resistant opposition from workers and their unions, as workers had to work very much faster in Taylors Scientific Management style. Union leader resented Taylors ways and claimed workers were mistreated in his focus towards efficiency. Yet others will find Taylors ideas applaudable up to today. Schachter(2007) found Taylors style still practice in many governrment agencies where proposal of public sector efficiency was similiar with Taylors approach.

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